Thursday in Summer School

KINDERGARDEN Today we started with the cooking workshop, how exciting! The kids have become chefs and have prepared a recipe from a three star restaurant. Look at these cheese, ham and bread lollipops. What do you think about them? Yummy! PRIMARY Today we had fun turning our playground into a target game using chalk and…

Wednesday in Summer School

KINDERGARDEN As you know, this year, each week of the summer school we will be working with a different film genre. This week we will be working with adventure movies. Inspired by the film ‘’Boxtrolls’’, we have characterized as these characters, so the children have been able to create and personalize their own box with…

Tuesday in Summer School

KINDERGARDEN As everyday, we have been working in the assembly different things of the day to day, and also, continuing with the film genre of adventures, the kids have had plenty of fun modelling clay with which they have created a caveman necklace. Look at these long teeth, are they of a lion or are…


KINDERGARDEN Today was the first day of the summer school. The children have arrived to the school and as real actors and actresses; they have marched through the red carpet. As well as enjoying playing at the photo call with their companions from primary, they have created a marc of photos as a remember of…


Acabem el curs amb una setmana ben intensa, divertida i emotiva. Avui els xiquets i xiquetes d´Infantil hem gaudit d´una “TEA PARTY”, on hem degustat unes dolces pastes i hem ballat  al ritme de clàssics com  Beatles i ABBA …



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  Arriba el moment d´acomiadar-se, i quina millor manera de fer-ho , que compartir amb les famílies tots els  moments tan màgics que  viuen els nostres xiquets  i xiquetes a l´escola. Ha estat una vesprada emotiva, especial i també divertida,on hem tingut l´oportunitat de jugar i mirar el món amb ulls de xiquet/a. Us desitgem…


Els xiquets i xiquetes de 5é i 6é de primària han estat esperant impacients a que arribaren. Ha semblat una eternitat però ja han aplegat les cartes que els seus amics i amigues d’Alemanya els han escrit.  Ara és el nostre torn i ja anem per feina.


Quina emoció!

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