Glowing hands!
In the arts class we learned about the indian culture, we did many activities but the most special was the henna tattoos workshop. Instead of henna, we used a colorful body painting. Look the awesome results we got… we all had fun!
In the arts class we learned about the indian culture, we did many activities but the most special was the henna tattoos workshop. Instead of henna, we used a colorful body painting. Look the awesome results we got… we all had fun!
Avui a l’Escola hem celebrat el dia de la No-Violència i de la Pau, ha sigut una jornada molt enriquidora. L’Etapa Primària hem començat el dia aprenent sobre Gandhi, gràcies a aquesta petita investigació hem pogut descobrir diverses frases relacionades amb el concepte i el significat de la Pau. A més, els nostres companys i…