Thank you Hector, Vicen, and the teachers and children of La Nostra Escola Comarcal. (Also a BIG thank you to Julia, Juan, y Livia for being our hosts.) We had a wonderful day at your school!
On Monday, Elena asked why they had to go to “school” on Tuesday. She said it was supposed to be a vacation day. My brother´s family went skiing … which seemed like it would be more fun. But on Tuesday night when both families were home, Yana, Maria, Elena and Bronson talked as if going to your school was 100x better than skiing. Julia had told us about Livia’s school. She is very proud of it. We believed her but now we really understand. Like our own school in the United States(Pope John XXIII), the teachers and students at La Nostra Escola Comarcal respect each other and have common goals. I have looked through the publications, calendar, and annual report today. I am very impressed.
We felt welcomed by everyone at La Nostra Escola Comarcal. We loved going to all the classrooms … at all the levels. Maria told us that she thought one of the staff people was going to yell at her because she was in the playground but the person said “Hola” and did a little dance. Maria loves telling the story. Yana almost threw away her yogurt container in the garbage and someone helped her remember to recycle. Elena and even Bronson (after crying) enjoyed going to the classroom with the students. It was very generous of your school to invite us and spend your time with us. Also, merienda and comida were buenisimo! The experience was educational and fun.
We look forward to seeing you again. We are many (11 total) and I would not expect Juan and Julia to always drive us. We hope to come for the party in the spring. Please tell us if we can do anything to help. Ann