See you soon my friends!!!
Gaudiu del vídeo de cloenda de la Summer School 2014 de Primària!!!!
Gràcies per compartir amb nosaltres aquesta aventura.
Gaudiu del vídeo de cloenda de la Summer School 2014 de Primària!!!!
Gràcies per compartir amb nosaltres aquesta aventura.
Ahir el Consell Rector de la cooperativa va aprovar el Pressupost de Funcionament per al curs 2014-2015.
La propera setmana tots/es els/les socis/es rebreu per correu electrònic la documentació junts als itineraris d’autobús.
No ens queda res per a agafar vacances!
Pirates of kindergarten! The Summer School is over! Ohh! This year we have had a lot of fun, we’ve made new friends, we’ve enjoyed with the nature, we’ve cooked as great chefs, we’ve worked, we’ve been real pirates, and especially, we’ve been very happy sharing unforgettable moments. We hope you have a great summer… And…
Today the last day of cooking! This time, our pirates have cooked some carrot coquitos.
Hmm, so sweet!
Today we’ve carried on our travels through one of the world´s biggest islands, Madagascar! We’ve played with our new animal friends of the tropical forest creating and acting out our own role plays which has been lots of fun. It´s been another great day on this exciting island and tomorrow we will swim in the…
Is there any pirate who doesn’t have a ship? We have built ours and started to sail!
Today we have tried the local cuisine once again by making delicious cookies using chocolate made from local Madagascan cocoa. We´ve also used colourful hundreds and thousands to top it off. It was such a treat and we can´t wait to eat them!
Today, when pirates were crossing the seas, they have enjoyed a psychomotricity session. They have been playing, jumping and running surrounded by a lot of coloured soap bubbles everywhere. It was really difficult to catch them, nevertheless children tried it and had a good time. This is the result!
Today our new friends the lemur, parrot and chameleon have been teaching us all the different parts of an animal’s body. We have also carried on our adventure through the Madagascan rainforests trying out the local cuisine. Tomorrow we will try and make our own version of the local dish so we can take it…
Hi pirates! We are starting the last week of the Summer School and we are happier than ever. Today we have made a treasure chest with recyclable material to keep our valued treasures.