L’Escola torna estar oberta! Hui els treballadors i treballadores de l’Escola s’han posat mans a l’obra per a encetar aquest curs amb alegria! Hem vingut amb les piles carregades per a fer front a aquest nou curs escolar. Us recordem que l’alumnat d’Infantil i Primària començarà les classes el dijous 10 de setembre (cal tenir…

KINDERGARTEN Hello! Continuing with the musical films theme, today is the turn of Mary Poppins! So we have drawn pictures of her with melted crayons! We have enjoyed doing them a lot and just look at the result! It’s beautiful! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! PRIMARY We might possibly have future master chef kids in our summer school as…

Kindergarten Good afternoon! A new week means new film genre, and for this last week the genre we have chosen is Musicals! To start the week we created snowballs with figures inside them, and the figures are characters of musical films: Mary Poppins. It has been lots fun and even more fun shaking them! PRIMARY…

Yesterday… in Kindergarten… Today we became cooks again! As it’s very hot we did something for keeping ourselves cools. Can you guess it? That’s right! We prepared delicious smoothies, ice-cream, yogurt, sweets…mmmmm yummy yummy in my tummy. In Primary… Today was an adventurous day we had to find a hidden treasure and then we built…