Today is our last Monday!

We did sports where we played Volleyball and we also made the Olympics Rings with colored paper. Today was a fantastic day!
In kindergarten the children played with clay. Their imaginations went wild. They really did make some works of art.
See you tomorrow!

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Where we been today?

Yes, we have been in the swimming pool. As every Friday we have had a lot of fun playing and swimming in Vedat’s pool. Today, the sun was shining the whole morning so the water was very refreshing. Another great day! In kindergarten, we have made a lot of games in the playground and we…

Thursday! What a nice Day!!

We have learned English with the computers and in our English lesson. Then we have done an “Olive leaf crown??? like ancient Olympic players and we have filmed the video of the week. In kindergarten we have been amazing chefs and we have cooked and Olympic cake. What is an Olympic cake? It´s all thanks…

How are you? We are very Happy!

Today we have done so many things! We started this morning doing homework and later we have practiced “cheerleader figures??? and played more game like “catch me???, “the net??? and “spider???. Then we have finished reading the story “What does the moon taste like????, so now we know that it tastes nice! To conclude this…

Good day! How are you doing this week?

 Today we have met “Captain America???!! We painted his costume, we did homework and we have prepared a special “sweet sandwich???.  We also learned vocabulary about sports and jobs in our English class. In kindergarten we have practiced relaxation, listened to a story, played in the swimming pools and also with the computers. Such a…

Welcome to America

Hello! This week we are going to discover the amazing American culture. Today we have started making shapes with our bodies, we have become in human squares, rectangles and different numbers . Later, during the morning we have designed our own “American Star Wand??? and we have made a mural with our bodies and American…

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!

What can we say about the amazing night that we spent at the school?? We had so much fun during the afternoon doing a gymkana. The dinner was so good, thanks to Sergio. Afterwards,  we continued playing in the hall of the school until 12!!! Then we all slept together in the dining room. Today,…

Tutto benne a Padova!

Ens han arribat les primeres imatges de l’expedició de l’Europeade… com podreu comprobar han arribat tots i totes bé i a l’hotel els estan tractant com a vertaders reiets! Han aprofitat alguna de les parades de l’autobús per assatjar, qualsevol lloc és idoni per escalfar les veus.

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