El 4 de setembre de 1924 naixia a Burjassot Vicent Andrés Estellés . Estellés era periodista, escriptor i poeta. Era el poeta del poble, la veu d’un poble. Autor d’una vasta obra literària, on destaquen Llibre de meravelles (1971) i La clau que obri tots els panys (1971), ambdues poètiques, la major part de la…


Divendres 27, va finalitzar la Summer School 2012. Una experiència de 5 setmanes on tots i totes hem pogut gaudir d’un fum d’activitats creatives per aprendre molt d’Anglès en grups reduïts i amb un professorat excel•lent  que ha treballat de debò. Gràcies als mestres per la seua implicació, a les famílies per triar la Nostra…

What a fantastic day!

We have played memory games using English words, made boomerangs and then shot our video with dancing. After lunch we finished our 5 continents collage. We are all very happy :-) In kindergarten today, we made an Olympic Ice-cream. Our ice-cream was made from bananas because sportsmen have to eat bananas for their energy ……

Today we have been in Australia!!!

We have played the scarf game and practiced skipping, we made crocodile´s and then did our English reading. We then started a collage of the 5 continents of the world. In kindergarten today, first we played bingo with Marie. then, we painted our works of arts and we finished it. After, we played funny games…

Today we have been very busy

 We have learnt new words in our TIC’s class, made chocokiwi roll, pops and colored beautiful koala bears. In kindergarten today, a mysterious person arrived at La Comarcal. This person hide a treasure in the playground. The children had maps and found the hidden treasure. After, we painted a pineapple and the smallest children played…