Today we are starting a new week at the summer school. First we have had fun all together with the new technologies and the digital whiteboard. Ahter that, as it is very hot, we have played in our swimming-pools. See you Tomorrow! The week starts, we have done sports and enjoyed outdoor games. After…
Primary.. yesterday and today.. funny moments!
yesterday was magical! We had an amazing time in the pool with all our friends. After that, we went to the cinema and played games allday long. We also enjoyed the disco before our big sleep over. Just unforgettable!!
Kindergarden… news of yesterday and today
At the kitchen, again! we have cooked fajitas with valencian flavour. We have enjoyed doing it for our selves. Fajitas are excellent! Now, families should taste it..
We have painted a picture. It’s a modern picture. We are an artists!!
Today we have been jugglers. We have enjoyed in a trainning session as professional circus. Also, we have taken the circus tickets at home. What a funny experience!!! Today, we met a great friend called Clarence the clown. Through meeting him, we learnt that having friends helps us overcame difficult situations. Now we have…
Where have we found this rabbit? When we have made our hat, there wasn’t anything inside… It has been an amazing experience. Such a good day!
Today we are professional cooks, we have prepared a delicious dessert, an apple split with apple and chocolate. We have learnt and practised actions. An enjoyable morning!
Estimades famílies, en el moment les encomandes de llibres de Primària per al curs vinent estiguen preparades en Abacus us informarem mitjançant la nostra pàgina web per poder anar a recollir-les.
Els i les mestres de l’escola ja ens hem acomiadat d’aquest curs 2012-2013. Ha estat un any ben intens amb les festes del 40 aniversari, la festa de la primavera i la nit d’expressió, l’Any Estellés, intercanvis i eixides, els cursos de formació del professorat, els projectes interetapes infantil-primària-secundària, la setmana cultural i les festes…