OOoooh! The Summer School has finished. But this year again wwe have had a great time, we have made new friends and we’ve enjoyed the nature. We’ve learned new artistic skills and we have been very happy sharing unforgettable moments. We hope you have a nice summer and … See you next year!

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It looks like but it isn’t! This last week in the kitchen we have cooked this surprising melon which is very tastyy. Now you can try it!!!       Today we have played a football match and we have done outdoor activitie. We have learnt how to do a drum and finally we have made our…

Get ready to relax with these bath bombs that we have made, and besides, they are very funny!

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Today, we are really really funny, so we have played water games and we have danced. We ended up very wet indeed!

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Since we are already magnificent artists, today we have dared to work with spaguetti and paint. Look what have created works of art!!

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Today we have enjoyed making our cake with sweets in the spoken workshop, we have reviewed the vocabulary learnt.

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We have begun the week with many happiness but also with a bit of sadness because this is the last week. Today we have made an acrobat and we have rolled and rolled like him.       Today, we have practised sports and played some games. We have celebrated Joan’s birthday and after we have our…

Primary.. Yesterday and Today

yesterday We have filmed the Lipdub of this week. After it, we have made our “Circus Trailer” It’s Fantastic! But next week.. you can see the photos.. surprise.. surprise..

Today is friday and we have been in the swimming pool. We have really enjoyed and played all together! Yes, I like the Summer School!

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We had a very special day. Today we enjoyed a relaxing session.

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Today we have practised some sports and we have fun creating our own collages with magazines. We love it!

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